A New Beginning

ורדים הם אדומים ,סיגליות הן כחולות, אני בכיתה הזאת , אה נהדר, אתה גם

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 2 : Local News

Animal abuse video on Facebook

This 15 minute viral video showing dog abuse happening right in our own country has caused an international commotion. With tons of people voicing out against the culprits through the media, organizations and the authorities; to impose action against the 2 suspects that appeared in the video.There had been allegedly 15 police reports had been lodged against the two persons that are possibly involved in the dog abuse case.The SPCA (The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) from both Malaysia and Singapore are thoroughly hunting down the animal abusers.The public has also expressed their utter disgust in what has happened through Facebook, Twitter and various blogs. With this case, the people are now more aware and conscious about animal welfare and well-being; with more organizations giving a helping hand towards the concern of animal abuse.

I personally watched the video myself and I honestly could not believe my eyes. I always believed that every human being loves animals; and that they just hate pests. In the eyes of the public, stray dogs have always been a nuisance to them; with concerns of viral diseases, hygienic issues and also with the Islam teachings, where a dog is said to be unclean/impure. Honestly, for me to see a house pet be treated that way it was just too much. I couldn't even watch the whole video as i was disgusted; wondering what kind of human being would do such a thing for their own amusement. 

I would say this is another lesson for everyone; as the trend now is to "Go Green" because of the decline of nature due to our own actions, we should take God's gifts to us more seriously and act accordingly.What if dogs were the ones who were to abuse you? Food for thought.
